Monthly Meeting Minutes
Date: 10/19/2017
Meeting called to order at 7:13 PM by DPNA President Dan Pressburg
Flag salute led by Sonny
Good news:
Beach Streets is coming up
Veterans Day Festival and Parade on 11/11 – will start on South Street this year; Grand Stand is on 59th Street
Dine Out on 10/30 at Cajun Crab on South Street
North Station Report:
Special Guest -New North Commander for Police Division – Erik Herzog started patrol in North Long Beach in 1990; currently engaging with different neighborhood associations here; started new position 4 weeks ago.
Erica Morena from Police Department – going over stats – 3 cars stolen; 2 recovered already; call at Deforest Park after hours and were cited; a neighbor called about suspect and gave a very good description and came by and then later on patrol apprehended the person for violation of parole and had stolen property.
Decrease in Deforest drag racing; one resident stated that there was a drag racer on Saturday with 3 children in the car and she came up to them and asked them to stop – Suggestion was made to call police and in a situation like that the driving citation is not only issue, there is a child endangerment issue which will increase priority level.
Same resident noted that those doing donuts in afternoon do not have license plates on car, which is required by law. She noted they are paper plates. Also, noted that are not new cars. Call the police to report and they will come and assess the details of the vehicles.
Another resident had someone steal car battery and had a video of it. Asked if sharing on social media is helpful? Police reported yes and can have community get involved and monitor.
One resident reported a scan going on with people knocking on doors and asking to come in to address electricity or water pressure. Police stated don’t let anyone you did not invite to home come in and if you order a service ask to show idea.
Long Beach Police Department 9th District questions answered by Officers Frank Pena and Ed Saldana
Old Business/New Business Announcements:
Council Office Updates – Alyssa Gutierrez, new field representative
A lot of events coming up:
Pop Up Uptown Thursday 10/26 from 5:30-8:30PM – @Michelle Obama Library
Beach Streets Uptown 10AM-4PM on Saturday 10/28 – 7th, 8, and 9th District event
Village Fest 11:00AM-5:00PM on Saturday 10/28 at Houghton Park
Veterans Day Parade and Festival on Saturday 11/11 – route on Atlantic from South to Harding
breaking ground in January 2018 on Houghton Park Community Center – unveiled yesterday (passed around rendering photo)
Wetlands update – supposed to be completed March 2018
Guest Speaker – Supervisor Janice Han’s Office for County field representative serving Long Beach, Signal Hill and Catalina, Herlinda Chico provided report (left business cards – contact info is [email protected] 562-256-1920 (office) 213-610-9510 (cell))
County is really large. If LA County was a state, it would be 8th largest state in the country.
Janice Hahn elected in December 2016 so is relatively new but is former Council Member and Field Supervisor.
Foster care and Probation System are run by county. Looking to revamp probation system and offer rehabilitation through job training and Section 8 housing.
Cal Fresh and MediCal assistance issues can be addressed through the County.
Provide multi agency support for people experiencing homelessness – Measure H was passed to help people with homelessness transition into homes and obtain services.
211 is a great number to call to obtain information about resources.
Take walk-ins between 8AM-5PM
Guest Speaker – Park District Representative, Allison
next Friday 10/27 will be last day of after school programming for Deforest Park
will be posting signs that identify other parks nearby that will offer after-programming – including Houghton, Coolidge and Ramona Park and will be increasing staffing and programming there
former DeForest Park employee, Andrea will be moving to a different park located more centrally
Will the Deforest building be closed completely? – Youth Sports Programming will continue; plan is to get back someone come in to manage the summer program
DPNA had plan to provide services and operate at Deforest at no cost but there has been no follow-up
Who will open doors for 3rd Thursday of month DPNA meeting? TBD but likely person who will be housed at Deforest
Why invest all this money in Wetlands Project but then not have someone to be housed at Deforest. If there is no staff here, then how can things be monitored. Supervisor of Youth Sports Program will be housed in Deforest. They would be here full-time.
Comment made that elementary school children will not go to the other three parks because the distance is too far for them to walk.
Hope by mid November that they will have a new person recruited and identified for Deforest for oversight.
Community Grants Program – upcoming meeting with status still being tentative for Thursday Oct. 26th at 6:00PM at Michelle Obama Library
Additional Comments or Questions?
Call for motion to adjourn by Dan Pressburg; 1st and 2nd noted
Meeting adjourned 8: 11PM
Reminders and Dates to Remember:
Long Beach Veteran’s Day Parade Meeting is last Tuesday of each month
7:00AM Good Neighbors Spires Del Amo and Cherry 2nd Tuesday of the month
7:00PM Starr King 1st Wednesday of the month
7:00PM Grant Meeting, American legion Post 560 59th & Orange 2nd Thursday of the month
7:00PM Coolidge Triangle Neighborhood Association 3rd Wednesday of the month
7:00PM Deforest Neighborhood Association 3rd Thursday of the month
Volunteers for the Veterans Day VIP Breakfast (3 people) on November 11th
DPNA Board Meeting on Wed. 10/25 at 7:00PM at Historic LB Dairy and Creamery at 167 E. South
Pop Up Uptown Event at Michelle Obama Library – 4th Thursday 5:30PM-8:30PM