Deforest Park Neighborhood Association
executive board meeting minutes 11/30/16
Present: Dan Pressburg President, Joni Ricks-Oddie Vice President, Keith Oddie Treasurer, Ryan Blazer Website Social Media, Darlene Broom Chair of Fundraising, and Karine Paulan Secretary
Meeting called to order at 7:10 by Dan Pressburg President
Upcoming events
- Tree Lighting on Saturday 12/3 at Shearer Park 3:00 p.m.
- Uptown Christmas Party 12/4 at 3:00 p.m. Dan’s house
- Hahn swearing in 12/5 in DTLA
- 9th District Christmas party 12/10
Possible speakers for next year
- Rudy Kamiza Commander North Division January
- Duree February
- Margaret Madden March
Christmas ad is still going in The Edge for Christmas light contest up for total of 4 weeks
Adopt a drain project we will map it out and develop protocol starting January
NPP Grant we did not get the grant we should ask Margaret Madden to upcoming meeting
We have donations for the wine tasting event
AOC 7 wants DPNA to be their fiduciary agent for funds with 10% fee per transaction
- DPNA would set up a separate account
- our board would have to approve payments based on their requests approved by AOC 7 board
- need friendly amendment to add an indemnity clause
- DPNA will send monthly statement to AOC 7 with last 4 digits of account showing
- motion made by Joni Ricks-Odd 2nd Darlene passed with no opposition or abstention
Tasha Hunter director of Uptown Bid wants to be on our agenda every other month
- January, March, May, July, September, and November
Keith presented information about the offers from US Bank
Amazon store card and credit card
- points can be used for statement credit
- board agreed to credit card but don’t need Amazon card
- DPNA Facebook page all board members have access “share to a page”
New resident drop down page should be added to the website
Lighting contest guidelines
- 11/25-12/26 run date
- #lightingupD9
- voting online through website
- contestants need to submit: name, address, phone number, e-mail, and at least one color photo
- display award trophies at the meetings
- contestants post pictures on Facebook with hashtag
- entries need to go to [email protected]
- Deadline 12/12
- board members can drop off flyers of homes decorated
- winners will get trophy 1st place plaque for 2nd and 3rd
- ask Rex for donation prize if he provides DPNA will recognize sponsorship
Executive board for December date TBA
Keith purchased Quickbooks will be reimbursed for $294.29
- previously approved by board receipt to be submitted
Set up mail chimp goal by 2nd quarter 2017
Need solution for text messaging large groups
- tabled until January meeting
- text plus or send a text possible programs
Need to send out volunteer letters
Motion to adjourn made by Joni Oddie Darlene Broom 2nd
Adjourn 9:06
Action Items:
Dan Ask Andrian about dates for December meeting
send out thank you letters to volunteers
Darlene pick up plaques for light contest
fill out for $1000 grant for the arts
Ryan add drop down menu for new residents to web page
set up voting for Christmas light contest
set up mail chimp
Joni ask Rex for donation for Christmas lights prize
Keith apply for credit card through bank