DeForest Park Neighborhood Association
Executive Board Meeting
Tuesday, October 27, 2020 via Zoom Meeting (recorded)
Present: Dan Pressburg (President); Joni Ricks-Oddie (Vice President); Keith Oddie (Treasurer); Ryan Blazer; Darlene Broom; & Corazon Lomeli.
Absent: None.
Meeting was called to order by Vice President Joni Ricks-Oddie at 7:11 PM.
Ryan brought up using Zoom’s registration feature instead of emailing out the meeting ID and passcode for meetings. Joni is concerned that there will be less attendance because of the extra work people would have to do to join. Darlene agrees with Joni. Ryan added that the registration link would be emailed & sent via text in addition to the meeting code & password. Ryan also said that the meeting registration code can be placed on the Facebook Event page so people can register at any time and Zoom sends email reminders and allows people to download meeting details to their calendar. Everyone agreed to sending meeting code with password in addition to posting the registration link going forward.
Keith asked about a $11.11 charge made to the bank account. Ryan said that it was part of the Facebook Ads campaign for Census Up (budgeted $100.00 total for advertising). Ryan forwarded the three (3) receipts totaling $100.00 of the ad spend on Facebook.
Ryan brought up DeForest Park Neighborhood Association becoming an associate with Aquarium of the Pacific. No action was taken because Ryan will follow up with the Aquarium to see what benefits, if any, are available to the Association or the neighbors.
The Board discussed proposed amendments to the Association’s Articles of Incorporation & Bylaws before voting upon the changes. The Board also decided to designate the June meetings as the Annual meeting. The Association also needs to fill the Secretary position. Ryan said that he could step up to help with that position if needed.
Upon motion made by Joni Ricks-Oddie (seconded by Corazon Lomeli), the official name for the Articles of Incorporation of this organization shall be changed to DeForest Park Neighborhood Association. Motion Approved (5 Yay / 0 Nay / 1 Abstention).
Upon motion made by Joni Ricks-Oddie (seconded by Corazon Lomeli), amendments shall be made to Articles I through Article XII the Bylaws of this organization as attached. Motion Approved Unanimously.
Upon motion made by Joni Ricks-Oddie (seconded by Ryan Blazer), the executive board meeting was adjourned at 8:24pm. Motion Approved Unanimously.