
DPNA Board Meeting Minutes – March 30, 2021

DeForest Park Neighborhood Association

Executive Board Meeting

Tuesday, March 30, 2021 via Zoom Meeting (recorded)

Present: Dan Pressburg (President); Joni Ricks-Oddie (Vice President); Keith Oddie (Treasurer); Ryan Blazer; Darlene Broom; &

Absent: Corazon Lomeli.

Guests: CampFire Deforest (Georgia Stewart & Phil Hester); RiverPark Coalition (Laurie Angel, Juan Ovalle, Ian Patton, Kimberly Walters)

Meeting was called to order by Dan Pressburg at 6:37 PM.

Upon motion made, seconded, & approved, the February 23, 2021 Executive Board Meeting Minutes were adopted with one change to add: “We received an appreciation award from the US Census Bureau for our work promoting Census Up on August 22, 2020.” after “Meeting was called to order by Dan Pressburg at 6:44 PM.”

Upon motion made, seconded, & approved, the Board postponed Treasury Report to the next April Executive Board Meeting.Upon motion made, seconded, & approved, the Executive Board went into closed session at 6:40 PM.

Upon motion made, seconded, & approved, the Executive Board left closed session at 6:54 PM.

The action items from the closed session is a letter to City Management regarding pocket park renaming South Street Parkway.

Old Business:

  • Accounting / Treasury Report
  • New SMS Texting System Options
  • Future Speakers
    • RiverPark Coalition to present at March Board Meeting
    • 3701 Park Place Developer
  • Welcome Wagon for Commercial Property Businesses
  • Plan for follow up with commercial property owner at 300 – 320 South St.
  • Offer & parameters to activate LAB Holding lot adjacent to library

New Business:

Georgia Stewart & Phil Hester presented updates on CampFire DeForest.  The floor contains asbestos in the Community Center and went into repairs at the beginning of March, 2020.  CampFire took up the expense of the asbestos mitigation efforts.  The new flooring is very light and bright.  A new roof has been installed along with windows.  A glass door was installed to replace one of the fire doors.  Georgia will send pictures to post.  Roofing was done in end of September.  Stephanie Blaser is the new director for CampFire DeForest.  She was the assistant director at the other facility over the summer day camp.  The roof over the breezeway was not fixed, but will have changes.  Phil added The Corp was going to building a building down by the Wetlands area.  There is a lot of issues with underground with pipes and drainage.  That building will be moved up to the existing restroom facility.  The Corp got funding from Rivers & Conservancy.  The building is going to be 1,200 – 1,400 sq ft.  Additional issues are near the new location with pipes as well.  The plan is to open the area between the two buildings.  Anticipated to have 20-25 children every day.  Staff will be overseeing that area as well.  The design has gone through the process with the City and Parks & Recreation – both have approved it.  The Corp. is going to bid with contractors.  Hopefully to have construction started in early summer with completion by the end of the year.  CampFire hopes to develop an environmental center in conjunction with The Corp.  Activity should be seen by the end of the spring.  The Conservation Corp. & CampFire are working out how they can work together during construction.  The Discovery Trail is a big project for CampFire, and a plan was approved by The Port.  The architect on the Discovery Trail has finished a design and almost ready to submit to the City for approval.  There is not anything of major concerns from Parks & Rec.  Conservation Corp. & City Council approved a long-term lease to remain in the park for many years.  Just the same CampFire is working on a long-term lease agreement with the City for approval to remain in DeForest Park for many years.  CampFire would like to start construction after summer programming.  CampFire is looking to do other things like extending the Discovery Trail to the Wetlands.  There is some renderings subject to change depending on terrain for drainage purposes.  Some areas are being carved out for additional programming.  The small groups would be 8-15 children with 2 staff members.  The area will not be fenced in, so there will not be any proprietary things in place.  Adding a trail at the other facility changed the program for the better at that facility and made it a destination program.  CampFire is having to work in phases because there are not the funds to do everything they want on the frontend.  The Wetlands would be the “coastal area” and the higher end of the park would be the “higher elevations.”  The existing conifer trees help amplify this.  There is discussion of fence from the north end to the community center.  Safety as it relates to children is a high priority.  There will be a spring & summer day camp.  Hoping to have long term lease in the next couple of months.

Tentative April Agenda

7:00 PM – Flag Salute Video / Approval of March, 2021 Minutes

7:05 PM – North Station (10 minutes)

7:15 PM – District 9 Update (7 minutes)

7:22 PM – Old Business:  Ideas for vacant lot next to library

New Business:

7:27 PM – Guest Speaker (RiverPark Coalition & Insight Developer) (10 mins / Q&A)

8:12 PM – Public comment (up to 3 minutes per speaker)

8:30 PM – Adjourn

Guests (RiverPark Coalition – Laurie Angel, Juan Ovalle, Ian Patton, Kimberly Walters):

Several board member disclosures and a recusal were made because of conflicts with of interest with RiverPark Coalition.  RiverPark Coalition made a presentation on converting the lot at 3701 N. Pacific Pl. to open space as opposed an RV storage unit with self-storage units.  Kim had technical difficulties in audio, so she shared her screen but could not speak.  The presentation covered a spectrum of green space and equity in Long Beach and past promises that the city made but changed in 2018 after the Land Use Element.  RiverPark Coalition asked DPNA to write a letter in support of their organization and personal letters to the City Council.

Several questions were asked after the presentation (including via chat – transcript attached) including remediation funding and private property ownership rights.  As a 501(c)(3), DPNA chose not to side with either RiverPark Coalition or Insite on this issue.  RiverPark Coalition asked that Insite present before their presentation for rebuttal purposes.

Upon motion made, seconded, & approved, RiverPark Coalition was approved to present to the April 15 DPNA meeting following Insight (developer) – both allotted 10 minutes followed by a Q&A.

Upon motion made, seconded, & approved, the Executive Board meeting was adjourned at 8:21 PM.


DPNA Board Meeting Minutes – March 30, 2021 Read More »

March 18, 2021 – Meeting Minutes

DeForest Park Neighborhood Association


Thursday, March 18, 2021 via Zoom Meeting (recorded)

Executive Board Present: Dan Pressburg (President); Ryan Blazer; Darlene Broom; Corazon Lomeli.

Executive Board Absent:  Joni Ricks-Oddie (Vice President); Keith Oddie (Treasurer).

Meeting was called to order by Dan Pressburg at 7:02 PM.           

Before beginning the meeting, Dan read the new photo / video disclaimer posted at the bottom of the slide presentation.

Dan then moved on to the Pledge of Allegiance.

Upon motion made, seconded, & approved, the minutes from the February 18, 2021 DeForest Park Neighborhood Association Meeting were adopted.

LBPD North updates: No officer showed up for this meeting.  A report was pulled from the Police Department website dating from February 15 – March 15, 2021 for Beat 22 and shown.

Jordan High School Update (Principal Keisha Irving): It is now safe to return to campus in a 3-tier timeline: teachers return on April 12; seniors return for a week starting on April 19; under classmen return on April 26.  LBUSD sent a return to school survey to all parents that lasted from March 1 until March 12, which gave the option of in-person hybrid learning or stay at home to do distance learning.  If students choose hybrid, the school is being cut in half – half come on one day and the other half come on the other – broken into two groups: A & B.  On Mondays, every period meets & alternates between Groups A & B depending on the week. On Tuesday, Group A meets for periods 1, 3, 5, & 7.  On Wednesday Group A meets for periods 2, 4, 6, & 8.  Group B comes every Thursday (periods 1, 3, 5, & 7) & Friday (2, 4, 6, & 8).  For instruction, direct instruction be given to those on campus while simultaneously given to those students who opted to remain in distance learning and the group not on campus for that day simultaneously.  Teachers will be wearing headsets & microphones to hear from students that are distance learning, while instruction is being given directly in class.  Sanitary procedures are being taken with wipes, hand sanitizers, etc.  Temperature kiosks at entrances (three of them) which takes temperature as students walk past (every 3 seconds) and will also notify the students to put on their masks if not wearing a mask.  Health screening questions will be asked each day as students arrive or via the app before they arrive.  Right now, they can only can serve lunch until May 3 & do no need to enter PIN number.  Lunch is going to be free and grab & go.  After May 3, there will be an additional grab & go at the end of the day to include, snack, dinner, & breakfast.  There will be markers placed to keep the social distancing in place.  A freshman orientation will happen on Saturday, April 24 before they return on the following Monday.  Sports have resumed ahead of time.  Football will be 5 weeks (4 out of 5 are home games). 

Council District 9 updates (Jonathan Solorzano for Councilmember Richardson): Jonathan updated on City wide updates first – vaccination process was started a few months ago.  Last week started for those with disabilities and city employees.  The wait at the Convention Center wait time is about 1.5-2 hours.  Walkups are much shorter if one can find parking in the area.  There is a statewide goal to vaccinate people over 18 by May 1.  The Long Beach Recovery Act is $222M (Federal Funding) was approved by City Council on Tuesday and will be distributed to various city services – (Press Release can be found here: http://www.longbeach.gov/press-releases/long-beach-city-council-adopts-long-beach-recovery-act/).  In the District, we now have 4th Starbuck on Downey / Artesia.  Another coffee shop is to be built on Long Beach Blvd. in Coolidge Triangle Neighborhood (drive through only).  Paramount & Artesia project is moving along.  There is no tenant yet, but they are working to get the structure built fast to encourage tenant rental.  On the local level, Jonathan has heard back from Parks & Recreation regarding the equestrian signs to be placed in the parks.  Jonahthan has been in discussion with Parking Enforcement & LBPD regarding the after-hours activities with cars parked in front of the park, when they are not supposed to be.  Patrols have increased along the park.

Old Business / New Business (Ryan Blazer):  Ryan reviewed old business from the last meeting (use of DPNA’s name, image, & likeness; use of closed session time during Board Meetings; & the policy that future guest speakers not affiliated with DPNA must present their presentation to the Board before being allowed to present at the following month’s meeting.  In addition, if a speaker is advocating for a particular position, DPNA will extend an invite to the opposing side to present at the same meeting).  The new business of the vacant lot next to the library was not discussed but lead to the guest speakers’ presentations.

Guest Speakers (Devon Reeves & Jeana de Arakal & Shaheen Sadeghi / Pasha Darvishian):  Devon introduced The Beat website (https://thebeatlb.com) and has been working with Jeana on developing the website.  This is the platform LAB Holdings will be using to connect with the public and receive feedback.  Jeana is the community & tenant relations manager (events & marketing manager) for The Beat.  Jeana is looking to do a neighborhood event once it is safe to do so to welcome the neighborhood into the new space.  On the website there is a Touch Base page to put in contact info to offer services such as local artists, musicians, or other ways to activate the space.  New ideas are very much welcomed and those should be entered in the Touch Base space.  Shaheen Sadeghi joined the meeting.  Shaheen wanted us to meet the community development team – Devon & Jeana.  On March 31, LAB Holdings is turning in the final plans to the City for approval, which is for the larger lot.  The website needs a few finishing touches.  Devon said that the site is already launched because the site just needs a few tiny touches on renderings.  Improvements will be made to the website as they come in as the base of the website is already established.  They plan to launch a blog, newsletter, and social media in the near future.  Shaheen needs help with getting tenants in place.   They have made great progress with residential tenants, but they need help with commercial tenants.  At the last meeting, Shaheen brought up Black Ring Coffee and they have some further discussions taking place.  There’s no intention to bring in national chains like Subway but want to keep it local.  A question was asked about who to contact for commercial rentals.  The answer is to email [email protected] for commercial rentals.  Shaheen was very appreciative for us to have them speak at our meeting.  Help is needed with leasing the space because COVID-19 has put in many challenges in place.  The past year has been challenging for restaurants and other businesses because of lack of cash flow.  There is a lot of empty space everywhere, even downtown.  Exceptional deals are being for rentals to which people would not have had access prior pandemic.  Downtown is seen safer, so people are opting to go there instead of moving into the North side of Long Beach.  Pasha Darvishian joined and said that Darvishian Group was hired to help lease out space at The Beat, which normally is done in house.  Pasha is part of the Uptown BID and also has property in North Long Beach and has a direct stake in seeing this project flourish.  Pasha shared his presentation (attached).    There is a lot of space for food-based businesses, but most of it is geared towards food.  Other types of retail, like local artisans, will also do well, but food is a primary motivator to bring in people.  LAB Holdings has not done any projects in Los Angeles or Long Beach, and this is one of the first in the area.  The talent comes from the community – artisan, craftsmen, and other local entrepreneurs.  Help is needed to identify other concepts to bring into the space.  Pasha can be reached at [email protected].

Public Comment Time: There was no public comment; however, questions were asked about trash collection because of a Code Enforcement violation, which Jonathan said he was happy to address.  Another question was asked if a trailer was needed for the upcoming clean up this weekend. 

Announcements (Dan Pressburg): Clean Up Saturday, March 20, 2021 at 8:00 AM to 11:00 AM Pressburg Parkway. Board Meeting Tuesday, February 23, 2021 at 6:30 PM on Zoom.

Upon motion made, seconded, and unanimously carried, the February meeting was adjourned at 7:50 PM.

March 18, 2021 – Meeting Minutes Read More »

DPNA Board Meeting Minutes – February 23, 2021

DeForest Park Neighborhood Association

Executive Board Meeting

Tuesday, February 23, 2021 via Zoom Meeting (recorded)

Present: Dan Pressburg (President); Joni Ricks-Oddie (Vice President); Keith Oddie (Treasurer); Ryan Blazer; Darlene Broom; & Corazon Lomeli.

Absent: None.

Guest: None.

Meeting was called to order by Dan Pressburg at 6:44 PM.  We received an appreciation award from the US Census Bureau for our work promoting Census Up on August 22, 2020.

Upon motion made, seconded, & approved, Ryan Blazer offered amendments to the January 26 Executive Board Meeting Minutes to read that the motions were “made, seconded, & approved” by removing the names of those who had motioned (unless a roll call was required).  The revisions are as follows:

  • Upon motion made, seconded, & approved, the Executive Board went into executive (closed) session at 6:52 PM.
  • Upon motion made, seconded, & approved, the Executive Board left executive (closed) session at 7:43 PM.
  • Upon motion made, seconded, & approved, the Executive Board has moved Shaheen Sadhegi as a speaker at the February meeting to March and moved Acting Lt. Megan Tabor to the February meeting.
  • Upon motion made, seconded, & approved, the Executive Board meeting was adjourned at 8:17 PM.

Upon motion made, seconded, & approved, the Executive Board has approved the photo / video policy, which will be added to the footer section of the website.

Media Relations while Joni & Keith are on maternity leave just as a reminder and attached to January minutes.

The March monthly meeting with have two (2) speakers: LAB Holdings’ Shaheen Sadeghi or a staff with member.  Pasha Darvishian to help with leasing with existing buildings with an update on the lots.  Their plans are to launch a website to collect feedback and any issues.  LBPD North Division the new Commander, maybe.

Tentative March Agenda

7:00 Flag Salute Video

7:05 PM – TBA / North Station (10 minutes)

7:15 PM – District 9 Update (7 minutes)

7:22 PM – Old Business:  Photo / Video Policy

New Business: Ideas for vacant lot next to library

7:27 PM – Shaheen Sadeghi (LAB Holdings) & Pasha Darvishian (Darvishian Group) (20-30 mins / 10 min Q&A)

8:12 PM – Public comment (up to 3 minutes per speaker)

8:30 PM – Adjourn

Joni gave an update on status of non-profit paperwork with the state.  Ryan is helping monitor the info email account, and brought up that the filing of the 990-N reminders is popping up for the Federal level of taxes.  Joni pointed out that those are companies trying to get our business.

Keith presented a copy of the accounting & treasurer report (see attached statement).  We have $3,898.57 in bank.  We have 1 deposit from Amazon $12.39 for 2/22/21 & donation from December in $250. Dan asked Treasurer reports to be added after approval of minutes.  We have no expenses for this year at this time.

EZ Texting, our current mass SMS texting service, has terminated their “free & EZ plan,” which had allowed us 250 texts a month.  Because we only send out reminders for monthly meetings, we never exceeded this threshold but came close when we did the Census-Up event in August.  Our current subscriber list is about 280 contacts (each one counts as a text credit).  There are currently 283 credits left, so we may get one more “free” text blast for the March meeting.  EZ-text has moved us to a pay as you go plan that is $0.035 per text ($10 per blast).  The next tier is a monthly plan at $24 a month that includes 200 credits & each text is $0.04 after.  Other services exist such as SimpleTexting, and the basic package for them is 500 texts for $25 a month ($0.05 at text) or if paid annually, there is a 25% discount.  ExpertTexting is another service that requires a minimum $30 balance to upload, but it’s unlimited texting and $0.0212 per text (approx. $6 per blast).  We do not have to maintain the $30 minimum.  We will budget $100 for line item for SMS.  A decision as to which service was not made at this meeting.  We have one (1) more text we can do with EZ Texting before we have to pay them.  We will use that credit up and make a decision at the next board meeting.

RiverPark Coalition is requesting to meet with the Board in March in order to present to the April Monthly meeting.  They would be given 10 minutes to present to the board.  What time would we want them to join our March board meeting?  We would also need to offer the developer of 3701 Park Place a chance to present their side.  We need to remain neutral as a group with this presentation.  Presentation could be at 7:45pm for no more than 10 minutes.

Welcome Wagon for Commercial Property Businesses would be for businesses along Atlantic between Harding and South and South St from Atlantic back towards DeForest.  The auto shop on South is parking in the middle of South Street.  New business listings can be obtained through business search.

Plan & follow up with commercial property owner at 300 – 320 South St. Joni got info of new ownership and wants to puts in other business other than cannabis shops.

Offer & parameters to activate LAB Holding lot adjacent to the Michelle Obama Neighborhood Library.  Wanted to talk about email exchange with Shaheen with some parameters on who can use the space that LAB Holdings.

Upon motion made, seconded, & approved, the Executive Board meeting was adjourned at 8:09 PM.


DPNA Board Meeting Minutes – February 23, 2021 Read More »

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