Los Angeles River Parkway, Open Space, Habitat, and Recreation Project
Project Overview
The DeForest Wetlands project will open 34 acres of land for public use, by converting large areas of overgrown vegetation with exotic species and other areas of completely denuded land devoid of habitat, into a river parkway with freshwater wetlands, wildlife habitat, recrea- tional trails, native plants, and interpretive signage, while retaining flood control and manage- ment properties. Public use will include passive recreational activities, such as bird watch- ing, walking, horseback riding, and educational tours and programs. The project will also provide water quality benefits. When completed, 800-1,000 acre-feet per year (AFY) of neighborhood watershed runoff will be filtered before being pumped into the Los Angeles River. In addition, 15-35 AFY increased stormwater filtration will replace municipal sources to contribute to groundwater supply.
The project is located in the City of Long Beach, Los Angeles County, along the lower Los Angeles River, south of DeForest Park to Del Amo Boulevard and bisected by Long Beach Boulevard. The project is located in the 8th and 9th City Council Districts, 64th Assembly District, and in the 44th Congressional District.
Planning Documents
The project meets many local, regional and statewide planning documents, including: the Long Beach General Plan, Open Space and Recreational Element; Long Beach RiverLink Plan; Los Angeles River Master Plan; Common Ground, From the Mountains to the Sea (RMC); Los Angeles and San Gabriel Rivers Watershed Council, Beneficial Uses of the Los Angeles and San Gabriel Rivers; and the California Outdoor Recreation Plan. The project Environmental Impact Report is complete.
For more information, please contact: Anna Mendìola, Planning and Development Bureau Department of Parks, Recreation and Marine 2760 N. Studebaker Road, Long Beach, CA 90815-1697.
Phone: 562-570-3165.
Email: [email protected]
Cost Estimate-$7.5 Million
Construction is estimated at $7 million, with all funding secured. The project is currently in de- sign with tinal design expected early in 2012. Construction is expected to begin about six months after the completion of the design phase.
Construction Funding
Los Angeles County Proposition A Funds (Supervisor Don Knabe) $2.5 million
California Resources Agency $2.5 million
California Coastal Conservancy $1.5 million
San Gabriel and Lower Los Angeles Rivers and Mountains Conservancy (RMC) million (includes design costs) $7.5 million
Planning and construction documents were funded by the City of Long Beach and from a generous grant from the California Coastal Conservancy.
Current Partnerships
The City of Long Beach and the Office of Councilmember Steven Neal has partnered with the following agencies to complete the project: Los Angeles County Department of Public Works, California Coastal Conservancy, the California Resources Agency, the RMC, Supervisor Don Knabe, Los Angeles County Park and Open Space District, Los Angeles and San Gabriel Rivers Watershed Council, DeForest Park Neighborhood Association, North Long Beach Community Action Group, Friends of the Los Angeles River (FOLAR), and Partners of Parks.