- Speakers
- April – waiting for confirmation from Parks and Rec
- May – North Branch Library Construction Lead
- Future Clubhouse Updates
- New floor – apoxy
- Book shelves
- NLP grant for this?
- Darlene found information on incorporation for Deforest
- Need to change address of information
- Dan will do this and have address changed to his
- We are a Corporation- nonprofit
- Need to change address of information
- Clean-up and shred day (same time)
- Dan needs to call Jim Osgood and Marina
- Location at end of deforest
- Proposed Date: June 20th, 2015
- Pechanga trip
- Advertisement needs to be word of mouth
- Bus seats is 54
- Darlene is organizing for her family reunion
- $25/person and Pechanga gives $5 back
- May be able to get even more of a discount for being a non-profit
- Do we think the newsletter is helpful and still useful to have?
- Dan suggests keeping it going until we see 4 pager from Javier and then we can make a determination
- We will make a special effort to send emails out to attendees
- Joni asked everyone to suggest friends for the new “Deforest Park” Facebook page
- Change old Facebook DPNA to a different name
- Dine-out 90805
- Suggestion: Robert Earls
- Last Monday of the month: April 27th
- Linda will talk to Robert Earl
- Joni will send a list of questions to Javier
- Signage on DPNA meeting, we want them up before June 6th
- Sean wants to talk about signage for bike route for Beach Cities June 6th
- Need to look into getting free bike racks
- Needs a sign directing people to DeForest Park
- Start advertising on flyer for $10 dollars
- Linda’s contractor wants to advertise