Board Minutes – October 26, 2016

DPNA Exec Board Meeting – Oct 26 2016

Attendance: Dan, Joni, Keith, Darlene, Corazon, Ryan


  1. Dine –Out 90805 at Sal’s Gumbo Shack went well
    1. Lots of people had take-out
    2. In our opinion we did well
    3. Joni will talk to Sally to get update on they did on sales
  2. Dan suggests we consider organizing Paranormal Tour
    1. Could use this as a fundraiser for DPNA
  3. Update on Status on Email/mail chimp
    1. No update from Ryan
  4. Annual Budget
    1. Keith has a Excel ledger for ongoing expenses
    2. We need to consider a monthly budget for marketing
      1. Ryan- Suggests boosting posts on Facebook
        1. Mostly annual events
        2. Fundraisers
      2. November exec board meeting will be focused on putting together our budget
    3. Keith – Look into getting Quicken for DPNA
      1. Will be a DPNA owned copy using DPNA funds
    4. Fundraisers Options for 2017
      1. Wine tasting
        1. Option 1
          1. Purchase wine at discount
          2. 15% goes to DPNA
          3. 30% Discount
        2. Option 2
          1. Winery host
          2. Entrance fee
          3. 5 wine options
          4. Focused on Millennials
          5. Locations
            1. Library
              1. Dan thinks it may not be possible
            2. Molina
              1. Downtown
            3. Grant Update
              1. Still waiting on NPP grant approval
              2. Port application – $1000 Arts portion to the Chili Cook-off
                1. Spoken words slam with simultaneous
                2. Talk to Liz Gonzalez as contact
  • Open it up to District 9 talent
  1. Amazon Prime for Non-profits
    1. Special account for non-profits with Amazon
    2. DPNA should Consider getting a credit card
      1. Keith will look into credit card options with US Bank
    3. Advertising
      1. The Edge Partnership Option
        1. $100 each month we decide to advertise includes both print and online as well as coverage by photographer at our event.
        2. Ryan can track the google analytics of advertising
  • Let’s start in November 1st for 2 events
    1. Christmas Party
      1. Due date for flyer and artwork November 4th– November 30th
    2. Christmas lights
  1. Next Board meeting
    1. Wednesday, November 30th
  2. Look into getting a DBA – Deforest Park Neighborhood Association, Deforest Park, Deforest Park Association, DPNA, Deforest Park NA
    1. Keith will contact US bank to see what they require
  3. Next year we should consider changing the name of DPNA on the state paperwork and then the federal paperwork
  4. Need to create a contact information sheet for people in the neighborhood s they know how to stay connected with DPNA through social media, email, website etc.

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