Board Minutes – December 11, 2015


Events in 2015:

  1. Dine-outs
    1. Robert Earls BBQ – June
    2. Jovino’s Pizza – August
    3. El Cortez – September
    4. Sal’s Gumbo Shack – October
  2. July – Chili Cook-off
  3. September – Community Yard Sale
  4. December – Currently doing a Holiday Deco Contest

Proposed Events for 2016 (what months?)

  1. Dine-Outs
    1. El Pollo Imperial
    2. Uptown Bar and Grill
    3. The Cajun Crab – January
      1. Contact Melody
    4. Kbbq
    5. El Pollo Taquero
    6. Others?
  2. Chili Cook-off
    1. July
    2. $10 entry fee (tax deductible)
  3. Community Yard Sale
    1. More advertising
      1. Start promoting with pics
      2. Date: Week before labor day
  • Corazon: Drinks
  1. Coffee donuts
  1. $5 for each household to pay for the permit (no tax deduction)
    1. The permit is their receipt
  2. Holiday Deco Contest
    1. Yes
    2. Start advertising in November
  3. We Love Long Beach
    1. Citywide Breakfast – 2/20
    2. Citywide BBQ and Potluck – 4/16
      1. Block Party on South St?
    3. Citywide Ice Cream Social – 6/18
      1. Contest – make your own ice cream
    4. Citywide Pumpkin Party and Potluck – 10/29
  4. Clean-ups – 2 a year
    1. February and May
    2. One on South or Harding


Things to consider:

  1. Are there expected events next year we would like to parallel
    1. May 28 – Jazz Fest (Memorial Day weekend)
      1. Booth to sell Hot links, bratwurst, Chips, Water
        1. Donated items – Darlene and Dan
      2. Repeat booths at Vet Fest
      3. Jazz event and homeless event at Sal’s Gumbo Shack
        1. Partner with Coolidge Park
      4. Proposed collaborations with other neighborhood associations or non-profit groups
        1. Look at NLP (neighborhood partners)
          1. Way-finding signs
        2. Ways to fundraise
          1. Formats for giving
            1. Paypal
              1. Can be more stringent
            2. Square
              1. Ryan will take a look
            3. Vending at Jazz Fest and Vets fest
            4. Events at Sal’s Gumbo Shack
          2. Bringing in other members of the NA to help – small committees led by one of us?
            1. Promotion team
          3. Websites
            1. Ryan is still working on the layout
            2. Plans to Add long beach Alert
          4. Formatting of email blasts
            1. Consider switching to Mail Chimp
              1. Can send text messages from here as well
            2. Consider recording the meetings and postings – live streaming
            3. Facebook:
              1. Leave as is
              2. Broadcast events on personal
                1. Put a hyperlink in the “about” section to our website and non-profit page

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