
February 18, 2021 – Meeting Minutes

DeForest Park Neighborhood Association


Thursday, February 18, 2021 via Zoom Meeting (recorded)

Executive Board Present: Dan Pressburg (President); Joni Ricks-Oddie (Vice President); Keith Oddie (Treasurer); Ryan Blazer; Darlene Broom; Corazon Lomeli.

Executive Board Absent:  None.

Meeting was called to order by Dan Pressburg at 7:00 PM.           

Before beginning the meeting, Dan read the new photo / video disclaimer posted at the bottom of the slide presentation.

Dan then moved on to the Pledge of Allegiance.

LBPD North updates (Deputy Chief of Michael Lewis): Chief Lewis oversees patrol division of North, South, East, West along with the S.W.A.T, & K-9 units.  North Long Beach Crime Stats were also presented.  Chief Lewis covered the appointment of the new North Division Commander, which they hope to have in place in the next few weeks.  The previous Cmdr. Lopez retired at the end of the year.  Lt. Megan Zabel was most recent acting chief, but she made detective as a promotion and moved on in her career.  For the next 2-3 weeks, Lt. Ryan Watson is the acting commander until permanent commander is assigned.  A press release will be sent out once a new, permanent commander is named.  Long Beach Police Department has a crime mapping software open and available for the public to use (http://www.longbeach.gov/police/crime-info/crime-incidents/) for crime stats. Chief Lewis said to not get discouraged when first opening the software because it pulls all reports – even minor infractions like parking tickets.  Once the user filters the reports down, it is more manageable.  If someone has a question, they can reach out to the North Division for help on navigating the software.  Chief Lewis then asked for people to follow the police on their social media channels.  They are heavily engaged on Twitter, Instagram, & Facebook.  It helps one stay connected with the police department.  Add name & email to North Division email list to get updates on things going on in area and events.  Just email [email protected] to be added, and also use this email to report ongoing issues or events that need police assistance.  If it is an emergency, call 9-1-1.  Please call police if you see something suspicious in neighborhood.  9-1-1 Call Center is not staffed by police but disaster response team.  They will help to vet where the call needs to be routed.  Using “anonymous” makes it more difficult to get more information for the police.  Demand prosecution to seek justice.  Police cannot be a “victim of the crime.” Demand contact from responding officer.  If not happy with the service provide and/or have questions/concerns, ask to speak to a supervisor.

Council District 9 updates (Matthew Hamlett for Councilmember Richardson): Matt acknowledged that the Council Office is going through staff transition at this time.  They are working on better continuity to help process casework.  Regarding the lots at South & Atlantic, Shaheen Sadeghi (LAB Holdings) will participate in next month’s meeting to discuss what is happening at the lot next to the Michelle Obama Neighborhood Library.  Coffee Popups have been discussed as an idea.  Long Beach Parks & Rec is aware of horses riding outside of the dedicated equestrian zone and making proper signage to post for those riding horses.  The City has seen a 71% decrease in positivity rate in last 18 days, which is a great sign.  Long Beach has administered over 80,000 vaccines as of this time.  The City is aware of equity issues as it relates to becoming vaccinated.  If there are issues in getting vaccine appointments, general vaccine questions, one can email [email protected].  On Tuesday, the City Council passed three measures: 1) Food Security – dealing with food access across the City; 2) Youth Fund – after passage of Measure US (2020), City has a specific fund that goes towards the youth, i.e.  access to team uniforms, access to after school programing, etc.; and 3) Accelerate Violence Prevention Efforts – address gun violence and other forms of violence.  The City is moving quickly on economic recovery strategy.  City Council in March will address extra resources for businesses, community groups, non-profits, etc. that come from Federal and State Levels.  Vice Mayor Richardson announced “Thrive 90805” which is a imitative that recognizes the progress made in the 90805 community.  There are a few demonstration projects available along with open space plans in the next few months.  They will also have a series of webinars on education access, health access, open space, etc. 

Old Business / New Business (Joni Ricks-Oddie):  Joni took over for Dan due to technical difficulties.  There is no old business for this meeting.  Joni discussed the use of DPNA’s name, image, and likeness referencing the policy that Dan read at the beginning of the meeting.  If someone is interested in using any of our photos / videos, they will have to email [email protected] to make that request.  DPNA will used closed sessions during its Executive Board Meetings to address sensitive and pertinent information as it relates to the neighborhood association.  These will be denoted in future minutes as they are approved and posted for the public.  Another policy change is about future speakers at DPNA meetings.  Future speakers not affiliated with DPNA must reach out to [email protected] and request to speak at a Board Meeting making their presentation that they would make at the monthly meeting prior to making that presentation in front of the entire community. 

Guest Speaker (The Honorable Congresswoman Nanette Diaz Barragán):  The Congresswoman thanked DPNA and Dan Pressburg, and acknowledged the naming of Pressburg Parkway.  In DC, they are focused on COVID-19 relief, which prioritizes vaccine distribution, $1,400 stimulus checks, etc.  The is extension of Federal Unemployment benefits.  The bill also helps offset annual childcare costs, which is set at $8,000.  The bill also provides aid to local and state governments – about $350B in aid.  The Congresswoman said she would try to get back to us with actual figures.  Congress will be back in session in next week to get this legislation passed.  Congress is looking at infrastructure as the next big piece of legislation to come through.  There is a lot of talks about earmarks coming back with specific projects.  Congress wants a website dedicated for earmarks to see where every dollar is going and spent for transparency.  Climate Smarts Ports Bill to help get zero emissions at the ports by cleaning up air around the ports, which is endorsed by the ports and unions.  The House passed it last year, but it did not go anywhere last year in the Senate.  Microgrids Bill that allows supply of power to the grid when main grids go down to help keep critical infrastructure on line.  Working to also get dental coverage covered in MediCare, which is currently an out-of-pocket cost for those on MediCare.  The Congresswoman expects that the stimulus bill will be passed before the middle of March.  H.R. 1 is a priority bill on voting rights.  Any bill that is numbered 1-10 is considered a priority bill.  The Congresswoman has been on top of equitable access to the vaccine via mobile units, community health centers, etc.  FEMA is deploying people to help at vaccine sites.  Two sites have been announced – CSULA and another up in the northern part of the State.  An online system just does not work because of internet equity access.  COVID has shined a light on inequities. 

Guest Speaker (Long Beach City Prosecutor Doug Haubert):

City Prosecutor doesn’t prosecute felonies, but only adult misdemeanors, i.e. DUI, vandalism, vehicular manslaughter, battery, petty theft, etc.  For the last 8-10 years, Long Beach has become national leader in court diversion.  The City Prosecutor is working hard to divert cases from spiraling into further criminal behavior.  Long Beach is known for CSW (Community Service Worker) program – non-violent offenders to volunteer time for community service to avoid cases from being filed into court.  CSW options are before cases are filed in court.  Another program is PATH (Promising Adults Tomorrow’s Hope) program, which is geared towards 18-24 year olds, who show promise to help them find a job.  Third diversion program is PAD (Priority Access Diversion) program and the newest, which is specific to intensive need such as mental health, drug addiction, homelessness.  To qualify for PAD, someone has to have been in jail for at least 18 months.  83% who commit to PAD are connected to some form of live in treatment.  60 days live in treatment is better than 2-3 days in jail with no services and just released back into community.  Court is in mode to release sooner than later and trying to release faster with COVID for those with misdemeanor offenses.  The City Prosecutor works with police to reconnect people to services.  LA County has had early program for years.  The City Prosecutor can be reached at [email protected] (general) / [email protected] (direct).

Public Comment Time: Megan Kerr (Board Member LBUSD): LBUSD dropped news about school re-openings.  LBUSD scheduled March 29 for K-5 for a 4 day week to get students used to being back on campus, April 12 will be when learning will resume for K-5.  Middle and high school students require that LA County be in the red tier for some time before returning.

Announcements (Dan Pressburg):

Board Meeting Tuesday, February 23, 2021 at 6:30 PM on Zoom.

Upon motion made, seconded, and unanimously carried, the February meeting was adjourned at 8:35 PM.

DPNA Board Meeting Minutes – January 26, 2021

DeForest Park Neighborhood Association

Executive Board Meeting

Tuesday, January 26, 2021 via Zoom Meeting (recorded)

Present: Dan Pressburg (President); Joni Ricks-Oddie (Vice President); Keith Oddie (Treasurer); Ryan Blazer; Darlene Broom; & Corazon Lomeli.

Absent: None.

Guest: None.

Meeting was called to order by Dan Pressburg at 6:45 PM.

The Executive Board discussed the need of the meeting minutes from the previous Executive Board meeting should have been approved at this meeting; however, they were already posted to the website.  The Executive Board was clear that it will get back on track at the next Executive Board meeting to approve meeting minutes at its next Board Meeting.  Ryan Blazer reiterated that we need to go through processes to help make meetings more productive and less sidetracked.  He also stated that he minutes from the previous meeting should be attached to the agenda for the upcoming meeting.

Regarding the name change of the association, the Executive Board cannot begin to officially change the name until its status with the CA Franchise Tax Board (FTB) is resolved.  It was not known until recently that the previous Executive Board (different slate of people) that it had failed to require requisite forms with the FTB.  The FTB has been understanding and said that the association needs to file the back tax forms with them.  The FTB stated it can take 4-5 months to reinstate.  Ryan Blazer added that the requirement to post the intention of the name change has been posted on the website in accordance with the association’s current bylaws pursuant to the amendments clause.

Upon motion made, seconded, & approved, the Executive Board went into executive (closed) session at 6:52 PM.

Upon motion made, seconded, & approved, the Executive Board left executive (closed) session at 7:43 PM.

Action items discussed during the executive session included the following: 1) video recording of our meetings; 2) use of closed sessions as necessary during Executive Board meetings; 3) include a disclaimer at the beginning and end of the monthly meetings that are livestreamed; 4) further policy changes in how the association’s name & likeness is used; & 5) require requesting speakers at association monthly meetings to attend and present their presentation at the Executive Board’s meeting preceding the requested month of speaking unless that organization already has a standing relationship with the association – this is subject to the Executive Board’s approval – anyone is allowed to speak during the public comment section of the monthly meeting for up to three (3) minutes.

Acting Lt. Megan Tabor has offered to speak at an upcoming meeting.  Ryan Blazer was in the process of making a motion to have the Lt. speak at the March meeting; however, because the North Division of LBPD has been vacant, the motion was interrupted before it could be seconded.  Upon further discussion by the Executive Board, it was decided that it would be best for the Lt. to speak at the upcoming February meeting.  Subsequently, Ryan withdrew his motion to move Acting Lt. Megan Tabor to the March meeting.

Upon motion made, seconded, & approved, the Executive Board has moved Shaheen Sadhegi as a speaker at the February meeting to March and moved Acting Lt. Megan Tabor to the February meeting.

Upon approval of the motion to swap the February & March speaker, Dan Pressburg will contact Matthew Hamlett from the District 9 Council office about moving LAB Holdings’ update to the March monthly meeting.

The February monthly meeting with have three (3) speakers: Long Beach City Prosecutor Doug Haubert; The Honorable Nannette Diaz Barragán (44th Congressional District); & LBPD North Division Acting Commander Lt. Megan Tabor.

Tentative February Agenda

7:00 Flag Salute Video

7:05 PM – Lt. Megan Tabor  / North Station (10 minutes)

7:15 PM – District 9 Update (7 minutes)

7:22 PM – Old Business:  None

New Business: Policy Changes (5 minutes)

7:27 PM – The Honorable Nanette Diaz Barragán (10-15 mins / 10 min Q&A)

7:42 PM – City Prosecutor Doug Haubert (20 mins / 10 min Q&A)

8:12 PM – Public comment (up to 3 minutes per speaker)

8:30 PM – Adjourn

Joni Ricks-Oddie brought up that towards the end of next month, she will be going on maternity leave.  Joni shared a document (attached) recapping what she does to help Ryan Blazer with promoting meetings and events.  Corazon Lomeli volunteered to help with posting on social media.  Darlene Broom will help with posting on NextDoor. Dan Pressburg will help send events out at least two (2) weeks in advance.  Ryan will do Facebook event post after creating recurring meetings in Zoom.

Upon motion made, seconded, & approved, the Executive Board meeting was adjourned at 8:17 PM.


Media Relations while Joni and Keith are on parental leave

  1. Manage Social Media Accounts –
    1. Facebook page
    2. Nextdoor Account
  2. Timeline
    1. Events
      1. Promote at least 2 weeks ahead – Dan
        1. Do at least 3 posts during the time period on all social media websites
      2. Facebook – Ryan
        1. Create monthly meeting event page and share on our DPNA page
          1. Remind all board members to invite people from their friends list to the event
          2. Remind all board members to periodically share the event on their Facebook page
        2. Cross –Post on local groups including North Long Beach News, North Long Beach Community Action Partnership, Grant neighborhood Associations
  • Nextdoor – Darlene
    1. Create event (Can use Facebook even page as template).
    2. Make the event public and allow all nearby neighborhood to see the event
    3. Periodically comment under the event by giving updates. This keeps the event at the top of the Nextdoor feed
  1. General meeting Social Media Advertising – Corazon
    1. Post on social
      1. 1 week before
      2. Day Before
      3. Day of
    2. Work with Ryan to send email blast schedule text message reminder for the day before or day off
  • Share zoom meeting to North Long Beach News
  1. Periodic Posting on our Facebook page – Corazon
    1. Be proactive about sharing Facebook events on our DPNA page from other North Long Beach neighborhoods
    2. Be proactive about sharing information pertinent to our neighborhood and surrounding areas. This information can include, but is not limited too:
      1. Information from Vice Mayor Rex Richardson page
      2. News articles (e.g the LB Post for example has been doing a lot of coverage of North Long Beach recently)
  • Information from the Mayor or City of Long Beach social media pages
  1. I try to post a few times a week to keep our page relevant and bring traffic to it
  2. What you choose to share is a judgement call regarding what you think would be helpful to residents.

 (Minutes Approved at February 23, 2021 DPNA Board Meeting)

January, 2021 – Meeting

This is the video from Zoom of our November meeting along with a copy of the renderings of the lots at South & Atlantic.

DeForest Park Neighborhood Association


Thursday, January 21, 2021 via Zoom Meeting (recorded)

Executive Board Present: Dan Pressburg (President); Joni Ricks-Oddie (Vice President); Keith Oddie (Treasurer); Ryan Blazer; Darlene Broom; Corazon Lomeli.

Executive Board Absent:  None.

Meeting was called to order by Dan Pressburg at 7:01 PM.

Pledge of Allegiance

LBPDNorth – Officer George Noguiera:

Officer Noguiera provided crime statistics for the area from December through the present.  Despite everything going on, the crime is not bad for our area.  Officer Noguiera advised to call police about mopeds and motorcycles in park.  Do not worry about dispatcher annoyance, it’s up to the police to make determinations on suspicious activity.  The recent release from prison has contributed to the uptick in shootings.  Alcohol is a big factor in shootings.  If not sure, call the police to make a determination.  If skateboarding is an issue, can have one of the bike units or officer can check up.  Skateboarding occurs between 4-5pm.  Don’t chase the mopeds.  Not anywhere in the area to go to.  Used to be signs on bike trail and signs are now down.  Police reports can be filed online.

Ronnie’s House is hosting a round table on February 26 at 11:00 AM.  Register here.

Council District 9 updates (Yasmine Shabaz intern field representative for Councilmember Richardson):

There is no more transient on Atlantic / 61st.

D9 Leaders Call on 1/25 5:30PM

Uptown Commons is completely open as well all restaurants for take-out.


CD9 will share input with Shaheen on LAB Holdings (South & Atlantic project).  Activating lot is difficult at this time due to COVID, but maybe around May, 2021 subject to city approval.  LAB Holdings is in process of creating an online portal to see progress and give feedback on the lots.  There will be additional info in coming weeks.

CD9 will follow up on Conservation Corp on cleanup on wetlands.

CampFire DeForest (Georgia Stewart):

We have completed repairs from vandalization (new windows) on Wednesday.  We are delayed a little for opening day.  CampFire DeForest has new director – Stephanie Blaser.  Port work will be taking place in next few months.

After School Program reopened on January 11, 2021 from 3:00 – 6:00PM and is $30 per week.  CampFire is following COVID precautions and guidance.  The numbers are limited in the numbers of the kids in the center – 12 a most.

Harding Plaza Update “The Uptown” – Yanki Greenspan:

The proposal is to knock out 3,000 sq ft and expand it into the large lot.  This will add parking in the back.  A coffee shop and gym to be included in the project.  This will have a resurfacing to the existing faced to help match elements of the library.  Talking to an ice cream shop and Long Beach Beer Lab.  Project is with the building department now.  The project is moving a little more slowly because of the gym (Blink Fitness).  Looking at about 8 months for construction once ground is broken.  Talking to Planning about how phasing is.  1st Phase demo, new faced of existing buildings.  The gym is the anchor.  Primary focus has been Tierra Mia Coffee, but they have not signed the contract yet.  Is there a way to activate lots while no construction and COVID restrictions have lessened?  Yanki is okay with it as long as clean.  Not sure what is going on with container that has graffiti on it.  Leases are all up in the air right now because of the pandemic.  Retail is going to take longer to develop than projects containing housing. 

Announcements (Dan Pressburg):

Next Meeting – City Attorney Doug Haubert, Shaheen Shadegi from LAB Holdings with an update on South & Atlantic project; Congressional District 44 Congresswoman Nanette Barragán.

There is a new directory on North Long Beach News

UPBID (Tasha Hunter):

LAB Holdings is encouraged to put artwork up on buildings between South and Market.  The Red Door (South Street) as a computer lab for LBCC is being negotiated now.  The 99 Cent store has been mystery for a while (just south of South).  There have been inquiries for educational use, but it is not zoned for that.  Code Enforcement can bill owner and increase fines to help encourage owner to rent out space instead of being boarded up as an eyesore. 

Councilmember Rex Richardson joined the meeting just before it ended.

CD9 will take lead on Wetlands and setup meeting with CD9, CD8, Parks & Rec, & Conservation Corp to discuss Wetlands and cleanup.

Parks & Rec Park Commission has approved South Street Parkway name change to Pressburg Park.

Rex said that changes in Federal government means changes for Long Beach and its budget.  This will allow projects to move forward in North Long Beach.

Upon motion made by Joni Ricks-Oddie (seconded by Darlene Broom), the November meeting was adjourned at 8:51pm. Motion Approved Unanimously.

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